Image: fotolia.com
With 113 mobile phones lost or stolen every minute and 1 in 10 computers infected with viruses each month¹, people across the globe are being encouraged to back up their data on World Backup Day on Thursday, 31st March 2016.
Have you ever spilled coffee on your laptop? Have you ever misplaced or lost family photos? Or maybe your phone or tablet was stolen? Did your hard drive crash? If so, you probably remember the anxiety you felt knowing that the information was irreplaceable. Most people consider photos, videos, diaries – basically their memories – their most treasured asset. With digital devices, much of the data that you store on your PC or Mac are family photos and videos.
You also store so many important documents either on your laptop, tablet or smartphone:
- your tax returns
- your diary
- your letters
- journals
- bills, and receipts.
According to a survey conducted last year by Acronis®, the global leader in new generation data protection, more than 50 percent of consumers store their data only on their computer – or not at all².
The truth is, your digital assets are just as important, if not more important, than anything else you own. In March we celebrate The World Backup Day which aims to educate people around the world about the increasing role of data in our lives and the importance of regular backups. A backup is a second copy of all your important files — for example, your family photos, home videos, documents and emails.
Tips to Keep Your Holiday Memories Safe
- Back up your smartphone and iPad to the cloud, and back up everything on your PC to your local disk drive and to the cloud as well. By backing up to both a local disk and the cloud, you are following the proven Acronis 3-2-1 backup rule for optimal protection of your devices.
- With the first backup, it takes a little time to get all your digital assets — photos, videos, contacts — backed up from your phone and iPad, and the entire disk from your PC. The time it takes depends on how much you are backing up and the speed of your internet connection.
- The good news is that once your first backup is complete, it takes almost no time to continuously back up because some products (for example Acronis backup product) perform incremental backups. In fact, you can schedule regular backups for your PC as you see fit, and change the schedule anytime you want.
- To make sure that your partner or kids don’t lose her pictures and holiday memories, make sure that all of their devices are backed up as well.
Cloud Backup Does More than Keep Your Photos Safe
Make sure your memories are safe. Backing up your photos and videos to the cloud keeps your memories safe, but the cloud also lets you view all of my photos and videos from any of your devices.
1. http://www.worldbackupday.com
2. The survey was conducted by Acronis in February 2015 through a Google Consumer Survey and consisted of 366 respondents.