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Making the changes outlined below could be enough to turn the business’s fortunes around. It’s all about getting everyone onside and pulling in the same direction. Unless that happens, there is not much chance of your business finding the success you want for it. So, here are the best ways to refresh your office and change the way your business functions.
Be More Democratic
The workplace tends to function best when it is democratic. No one likes having their orders handed down to them. Instead, people like to have a say in how they work. This is one of the changes you should definitely think about making when it comes to running your office. People will feel more invested in the business and its success if they have a say in how it operates. You can do this by making sure that they have a say in all the decisions that get made in the workplace. And they should be kept fully informed with regards to anything that might have an impact on their jobs.
Have a Big Clear Out
Having a clear out of your office is a good way of starting from scratch and clearing out the old stuff. It’s something that you should definitely do if you want to turn the fortunes of your business around. It could help to create more space, make the office feel less weighed down and add some cleanliness. When the place is free of clutter, it can make it seem rejuvenated, and that makes a big difference. So, remove your junk and put the office to better use. It’s something that any business owner can do, and it doesn’t cost much either.
Break Down Barriers to Communication
Communication is a big deal in the modern office. People need to be able to talk to each other if the business is going to be functional and successful. If there are too many barriers preventing employees at the bottom talking to managers at the top, the whole business will suffer. It’s up to you to break down as many of these barriers as possible. They only ever get in the way and stop the business from functioning as it should. Don’t allow your business to be held back by poor communication between different departments. It’s worth opening up the lines of communication and making everyone feel like they are being heard.
Let in the Light and Create More Space
Some cosmetic changes can make a big difference to how a business feels and is used too. If you let in more light, for example, it can really help to refresh the office. People will notice the difference. And all studies show that people work better when they are in a light, spacious area compared to somewhere that is dark and dingy. Make sure that people are working near sources of natural light, and not shut away in a dark corner. You could also rearrange the furniture to make the room feel more open and spacious for everyone working in it.
Make Meetings Relevant and Vital
Meetings can be very important, and they can also be very dull. You should have a think about the approach your business takes to meetings in the office. If they are usually just filling time, do something about that. You could stop holding so many meetings. Or you could make the meetings more relevant to the tasks at hand. Everyone should walk away from a meeting feeling that they have learnt something or that they can no do their jobs better. They shouldn’t walk away feeling like they have just wasted an hour of their time that they will never get back.
Set Team Goals Rather Than Individual Ones
Goals can be very useful. But many companies use goals and targets the wrong way. When people have an individual target that they have to meet, it can often put pressure on them. This leads to them feeling stressed and being unable to do their job properly. That is not a good thing under any circumstances. But when a team of people is set team targets, they can have the opposite effect. Rather than making individuals seem pressured and stressed, they can help to make a group of people more collaborative. They start to work as a team to reach their goals.
Offer Leadership
As the owner of the business, you either need to offer some form of leadership or hire someone who can. This could be an office manager that oversees the day to day running of the office. Either way, it’s important that someone in the office is able to offer some kind of leadership. Without that, it’s very hard to turn the office around and get everyone pulling in the same direction. A good leader is someone who allows everyone working beneath them to do their very best work. It’s not about bossing people around; it’s about unleashing their full potential.
Allow Breaks During the Day
Breaks are vitally important for the office and everyone that works in it. Many business owners just assume that breaks eat into productive working time. But that’s a far too simplistic way of looking at them. When someone has time away from their desk for a break, it reinvigorates them. They come back ready to work hard and push the business forwards. Whereas, if someone is tied to their desk all day, their work rate simply becomes progressively lower throughout the day. If you want to get the best from everyone, you have to treat them fairly and give them the breaks they need.