Picture: Additions Building Company
Set the Scene
Before you can plan the menu, buy the refreshments, organise the music or even invite anybody, you have to ensure your home is suitable for entertaining. To make the most of your backyard, consider installing a patio. If this sounds a little daunting for a DIY project, get in touch with a professional building company such as Additions Building. With an expert result, your friends and family are guaranteed to love your new outdoor entertainment space.
Here’s One I Prepared Earlier
How many barbeques have you attended where the host, (who should be socialising with you) is too busy bustling in and out of the kitchen? Nothing kills the mood quite like being ill-prepared. Therefore, the key to enjoying your friends’ and family’s company is organisation. By preparing meals ahead of time, you will be more relaxed, focused and able to fully enjoy the experience (not to mention, feed the hungry horde on time).
That’s Entertainment

Picture: © ViewApart – Fotolia.com
Be Selfless
Be considerate of your guests. While a couple of stubbies and a bag of potato chips may suit you while vegging out on the couch, it may not be the cuisine your guests have in mind. When preparing the menu, be mindful of your guests’ dietary needs and preferences. It will show them what a considerate host you are, and make them feel truly at home.
A Little More Conversation
It’s common knowledge that in a social setting, people congregate around food. So, set your guests at ease and make mingling a comfortable, inviting experience. You can achieve this by creating ‘conversation pits’. Set up deck chairs around tables heaped with tasty snacks and beverages and before long, your barbeque will be a festival of spritely conversation.
For the Kids
In all things, be age appropriate. If your friends have kids, ensure there are plenty of games and toys to keep the little tykes occupied. But, kids being kids, they will probably insist on milling around your feet. In this case, keep a few things in mind: drink responsibly, ensure all conversation and games are G-rated and try to include the kids as much as possible.
Apply these tips and you’ll never be short of company. In fact, you’ll probably find yourself hosting every barbeque your friends and family ever attend.

Picture: Additions Building Company