Gaming is one of the biggest markets in Australia. For those living in the land down under, gaming has been a major source of enjoyment not only for adults, but for kids as well. More and more families are adopting the gaming lifestyle, making Australia one of the biggest gaming hubs in the world. Let’s examine the ways and telltale signs that tells us how the gaming industry of Australia will continue to rise within the next coming years.
Gaming innovations hit the market
At the start of the new decade, more than 70% of the homes in Australia are equipped with the Internet. Whether they’re connected through broadband and dial-up services, Australians experience fast and reliable internet connection much like those in the western hemisphere. 98% of those with Internet at home responded that they use the connection for personal and private communication through channels like gaming and internet streaming.
Hardware sales have increased 13% over the last year due to gaming innovations and next-gen consoles that were released by gaming giants Xbox and the Sony PlayStation. Australia’s gaming market also benefits from the number of casinos and gaming areas that are rising within the land. Australia was the first country to get the New Nintendo 3DS, making other regions envious for their fast adaptation of the latest technology in the market.
Grey gamers are coming
A recent study hinted that older gamers are also embracing the world of gaming. Dubbed as “gray gamers,” these new set of players are described as being over 40. It was reported that three generations of gamers now exist in the country after studying thousands of homes around the continent. Because of the latest devices and technologies being more accessible due to their low price, gray gamers are tuning in to gaming as an exciting way to pass the time.
Grey gamers now make up a huge number of gamers in the country and they are the ones playing on their mobile phones, while the younger generation enjoys gaming on their consoles. Families are also being emphasized in the gaming landscape as more and more games that features interactive scenarios are being played all over.
Consumers are spending
As of 2014, it had been reported that the gaming industry in Australia is worth more than $1 billion annually. With more than 11 million gamers, there is no shortage of money in the gaming market. More than half of those numbers use their purchasing power to drive software and hardware sales through the roof. In terms of gaming revenue, Australia belongs to the Top 15 countries that has the highest earnings coming from games.
After the release of next-gen consoles like the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One, the country saw a 13% increase in hardware sales and gamers have spent more than a billion dollars on hard copies of the games. Interactive gaming toys like Disney’s Infinity line and the Skylanders series also made a killing in the market for console accessories.
Australians are lovers of games. Their dedication to console, online, and mobile gaming continues to grow every year, making it an ideal place to experience gaming at its finest.