A lot of investors only own one property. Are you debating whether it is time to move onto property number two? This can be a difficult decision to make, but you don’t want to miss out on an opportunity to add more properties to your portfolio and build your wealth.
So, let’s take a look at some signs that now is time to invest again…
- Mortgage rates are low – If you are debating a second investment property, you need to look at the cost of borrowing carefully beforehand. If you look at professional tips for investing in property, you will find that a lot of advice surrounds around timing. Timing is everything: you don’t want to take out a mortgage with high rates that you are going to be locked into for years and years to come.
- You are getting closer to retirement – Of course, the main aim of investing in property is to build wealth. Plus, when you consider the fact that property investing isn’t a route to quick money, the sooner you buy your second investment property, the better. If you are smart and you pay off your mortgages before you retire, you could set yourself up for the perfect retirement.
- Your first investment is a success – It’s often made out that property investment is easy, but it most certainly isn’t. In fact, it can be very challenging, and you are going to need a lot of hard work, skill and knowledge to be successful. Therefore, if your first investment property is coming along nicely, this is a good sign that you are ready to move to the next step. However, if you feel like you are still getting your bearings, you should give yourself a bit of time before you purchase another property. After all, there is no hurry, and the last thing you want to do is get yourself into a tangle because you have ran before you could walk so to speak. Remember, two properties means twice the amount of work, so you need to be ready for this.
- Your savings and income have increased – There is no denying that it can be risky to get involved with property investment. When you have two properties, you have double the cost and double the risk. Therefore, if you have more money behind you, you are going to be better prepared to weather any storms that come your way.
- You have considerable equity in your first investment property – The final sign that you are ready for your second investment property is if you have considerable equity in your first property. On the other hand, if you have only had your first property for a short amount of time and you are coming to terms with things, don’t jump into buying another property just yet.
If any of the signs mentioned above sound familiar, it sounds like now is the right time for you to invest in your second property. You probably won’t find a better time!