A few times a year it’s a good idea to sit down, and see where you can cut costs so you can have a little extra cash. Your power bill may be one area that zaps your finances every month and it can be difficult to see where you can make savings.
You may not realise this, but air conditioners are often the culprit for these high bills. Here are a few tips when choosing air conditioners for your home or business, that will help save you money today, and down the road.
Find a great company
When you’re trying to choose from the wide variety of air conditioners out there, you need to find a great company. It’s important to find someone who is going to provide you with the energy efficiency you need to save cash. Plus, with all of the technological advances on offer nowadays, you want to find a company that is innovative and using new advancements in their products.
Think about how hard it can be to work against the extreme temperatures in Australia. Pay close attention to the temperature control and advanced airflow features that are offered when selecting a company for you.
When you are selecting from the vast range of air conditioners, it’s important that you factor in certain considerations. There are a lot of things to think about such as the size of your home or office building, how many stories it has and how many rooms it has. This makes a big difference when selecting the right unit for you. You want to be sure it has the capability to run effectively and in the most cost effective way possible. You’ll also want to choose air conditioners that are proven to be energy efficient.
Clean out your filters
When you replace and keep filters clean on a regular basis, you will see your power costs go down. Servicing air conditioners regularly prevents them from running hard, and using more energy than necessary. It can be easy to forget this simple task, even when you set a reminder on your unit.
The best thing to do is put the reminder on your personal or work calendar, or even add it to the monthly chore board for your kids. Talk to your air conditioning company about how often you should change your filter, and what type of filter you should be using. They will be able to give you the best and most cost effective options.
Don’t just set one temperature all the time
As the temperature outside changes, it should change inside as well. With newer air conditioners, you can often adjust the temperature per room depending on how much you use it. That way, if you have a guest room that isn’t occupied often, you can keep it a little warmer.
You should also use a programmable thermostat, so you can keep the temperature a little warmer when your home or office isn’t being occupied. You can also do this at night once the sun goes down.
Here come the savings!
Air conditioners can account for half of your power bill, and for some people it can be even more than that. When you are ready to start saving that extra cash, remember to find a company that offers the most energy efficient and innovative air conditioners in the industry.
Make sure you choose a unit that is going to be the most efficient and effective in your living or working space. Clean out and change filters as directed so your unit isn’t working harder than it needs to. And don’t just pick one temperature and set it for the summer. You want to be sure you are adjusting it according to the weather outside, and how much you use the rooms being cooled.
Follow these simple steps and say goodbye to ridiculous power bills and hello to extra cash in the bank! Who doesn’t want that?