1) Diet Intolerances
We may well be aware that alcohol, takeaways, chocolate and junk food can upset the balance of our skin. Some of us might also be more sensitive than others. But what if we are not regularly indulging? What if, as far as we know, we have a healthy balanced diet? The cause may then be more complex. One of the most common allergies that manifests as poor skin is sensitivity to dairy and lactose. Many people report that by switching from cows’ milk to a plant-based alternative, their skin was visibly clearer within days. Our bodies have a variety of ways in which they eliminate toxins, but one of those ways is through the skin. If cutting out dairy doesn’t seem to improve the situation, be sure to eliminate other possible allergies. Gluten intolerance affects an increasing number of people due to the large quantities of wheat in a lot of foods. Try going gluten-free for three weeks and see if you notice a difference.
2) Misunderstanding Your Skin
We might have access to expensive and reputable products, but if they are not suitable for our own skin type then they are of little use. Be sure that you know your own skin type and get professional advice if necessary. Many people who are experiencing extreme oiliness have actually been discovered to have dry skin, for example. Harsh, stripping products had dehydrated the skin which began trying to replenish itself with oil. This led to blemishes that seemed impossible to clear. If you’re suffering with your skin, avoid the temptation to take drastic measures. Use a gentle routine of Jeunesse products or other reputable brands. Observe your cleansing routine religiously. Be absolutely certain that you are thoroughly removing your makeup, also. Adding a toner to your routine can help pick up any excess that your cleanser did not remove. Run a cotton pad over your face soaked in toner and you may be surprised how much dirt is left.
3) Hidden Bacteria
When we have an active breakout or regular blemishes, bacteria on the face can be disastrous. Avoiding touching your face and perhaps consider tying your hair away from your face also. That prevents the temptation to rub or scratch at the face. Wash your hands regularly and be sure to disinfect products that regularly touch your face such as your phone and pillowcases. These can be bacteria breeding grounds.
Incorporate these tips into a reliable and thorough skincare routine and you should see results within a few short weeks.
Jane Young says
Completely agree regarding diet. I recently altered my diet based on professional advice and my skin is 10x better!