So many of us are insecure about our bodies. We’re continually being shown images in the media of unattainable beauty ideals. Ninety nine percent of these flawless pictures are photo-shopped, and airbrushed fantasy. How are us mere mortals meant to contend with that?
How do you feel when you look in the mirror? Do you embrace your lumps and bumps and love your imperfections? Or do you feel shame, guilt and disgusted with yourself? We all know that beauty starts from the inside and it’s your personality that counts! But let’s face it, it doesn’t matter how many times we tell ourselves this. Standing there in front of the mirror, and comparing yourself to flawless pictures in magazines is a whole different feeling.
First impressions count. And the first judgement call we make on people (without even realising) is judging them on their appearance. And we’re not always as kind as we ought to be. Body shaming is rife. Too fat and you’re unhealthy. Too thin and you don’t look good either. Hairy, bald, short or tall, it’s hard trying to be perfect!
We’re far too hard on ourselves. How we look at our own bodies reflects directly on our levels of self confidence. It’s easy to assume that poor body confidence is down to vanity, but it’s much more complex than that. Society as a whole needs to rethink the way it defines what beauty really is.
Smile Like You Mean It
Affirmations are a great way to boost your self esteem. You may not believe what you are saying at first, but you’ll be surprised at the positive effects on your wellbeing. Affirmations are designed to work on a conscious and subconscious level. You know the saying “Fake it ‘til you Make it?” well, it’s true. Make looking on the bright side a regular occurence Looking into a mirror and being positive will help give you a boost.
Fix it up
Childhood fears often stop us smiling in adulthood. Those with a fear of the dentist may not like to smile for fear of showing their teeth.If you aren’t happy with your teeth it can ruin your self confidence. Fear of talking or smiling does not make for a happy, confident you. Dental veneers can help rejuvenate your pearly whites and help you smile again. The physical action of smiling makes our brains think we are happy whether we are or not.
Take it Easy
If you could do with losing a few kilos, then don’t beat yourself up. Concentrate on being healthy rather than trying to reach an unrealistic weight loss goal. Don’t rush into fad diets, they rarely work. Concentrate on eating healthy, natural foods and enjoy what you eat. Take regular exercise. Tackling weight loss slow and steady means the pounds are more likely to stay off.
Be Your Own Best Friend
Avoid negativity. Negative people, shop mirrors, offending magazines and tv programs. Whatever makes you feel less than good about yourself, don’t entertain it. Do things that make you feel good. Go for a walk. Have an ice cream. Read a book. Whatever makes you feel good, do it! Make yourself number one, you deserve it.