You’ve got some money you’ve been saving for a while, and you’re looking to double it – aren’t we all? But you’re serious about these efforts, and you’re putting a lot of time and energy into finding a way to get a good investment on your budding portfolio, let’s make your search a little easier for you! After all, not all investment opportunities are created equal, and there’s never a guarantee you’re going to make more than pittance on what you already put in.
What are you going to decide to do with your money? Of course, putting money into anything is always going to carry a certain amount of risk with it, but if you’re looking to double your money at the least, it’s the risky opportunities that carry the best chances. So here’s some of the best for your perusal; give them a chance during this fiscally rich period of your life.

Get the right numbers, get on the phone with them, and start making connections. A good investment is one you’ve done your research on, after all! Photo by Ehimetalor Unuabona on Unsplash
Know the Rule of 72
First of all, of course, before you do anything with the money you’re planning to invest. After all, it’s the rule that any investor worth the salt tends to live by, and for good reason. All in all, if you don’t have any access to a spreadsheet maker at the moment, and you have no idea how to input an investment formula into one anyone, start off with this calculation you can do in your head. Or feel free to scribble it all down on a piece of paper.
The rule of 72 essentially dictates how long it’s going to take you to double an investment in something, whether it be stock, capital, or you’re just want to work out if the interest of your savings account is going to pay you back one day. You take the number 72, and you divide it by the interest rate a scheme is promising you – there’s a much better definition right here, if you’re interested in getting to how this works exactly, where it’s best applied, and where the number 72 was plucked from.
Venture Capital
Let’s get the most risky investment on this list out of the way first, yeah? Venture capital refers to the money a startup is looking for in order to get their operations underway; it’s an investment in a new business, one that has a risk to it going into the market, and more often than not, these businesses can fail within the first five years or so. A lot of people looking to get a startup established have great ideas, but they haven’t properly identified their gap in the market, and they have no clue on how to actually head up a company, and thus their plans slowly fall apart. There’s a good chance anyone offering venture capital will never see their money again.
But… if you find an entrepreneur who knows what they’re doing, and has done their market research, and has a whole team of business administration professionals behind them to set your mind at rest, you could very easily double your investment money. Venture capital is properly applied when given to people who have the chance to rapidly expand, and who have a good chance of long term growth, and you’re going to need to get to know the difference.
So make sure you know what questions to ask before you offer any money. You’re not a big financial institution, and you’re definitely not a bank, so you won’t have the same security anyone else in this investment market does; that means you can’t afford to make a mistake with a startup that just isn’t worth it. But if a friend comes to you with an idea, and asks if you can help out, be sure to grill them good and proper before you say yes or no!
The Property Market
The property market is a big place, and is probably the biggest market in the world. After all, everyone needs accommodation, and there’s a few of us out there who would love to own more than one home in our lifetime. All in all, money is flowing in and out of it all the time, prices are going up and down in rapid succession across the world, and you can make a very big buck if you decide to invest here.
The good thing about putting your money into property is that you’ll have tangible assets on your side, and there’s no chance a house or an apartment building is going to up and leave you overnight because the market tanked. You’ll still have what you paid for right in front of you, and you’ll still be able to do something with it – it’s a less risky way of getting a double return on your investment than anything in the stock market will offer you, and there’s so many clients out there that you’ll be spoiled for choice when it comes to advertising!
Of course, if you’re someone who’s currently using the mortgage calculator propertyguru to make sure you’ve got a chance to own your own home one day, this probably isn’t a realistic investment for you. But if you’re already paying off your own mortgage very comfortably, and you’re able to pay ahead of time every month, this idea has some long legs for you. And aside from buying, there’s always other ways you can invest in property!
So, are You Going to Invest?
It’s worth your time and money! The whole idea of investments is to make a profit, and usually you want more than to just break even – you want to double your return, and you want to sit comfortably on that pile of cash for when the next opportunity arises.
So make sure you know what markets are best for you, and always keep on eye on them and their inflation as you go.