Keeping your balance while sweeping the water with an oar isn’t easy on a stand up paddle board, becoming commonly known as a SUP. It’s a great all body workout, but puts a lot of focus on core strength. Your core muscles, lower back, obliques and abdominals are useful for just about any activity you take part in. By training your core in SUP you will increase the coordination of your core muscles with balance and other muscle groups. The strength you gain will be transferable into any other sport. For example by training the core with low resistance on a SUP, you can increase the effectiveness of your golf swing, all while enjoying a soft paddle on the water. The standing row motion can also increase the endurance of upper back muscles. By changing the speed and power you put into each row you can change the exercise from a low resistance easy paddle to a high resistance workout, making the SUP one of the most flexible way of working out.
Life is hard and stressful and everyone needs a way to break apart from that stress, even for just a little while. Stand up paddle boarding is a great way to relax. Not only can SUP be used to keep up your fitness, it is a great way to relax. Paddling out onto the water is an easy escape from a stressful life. The ease with which you can escape and be on your own is incredible on the water. Once you are out on open water it is easier for you to let go of stressful thoughts and be engrossed by the sound of lapping waves.
Ever wondered what was down the end of that narrow creek? Or over those shallow waters? You can go where boats cannot on a SUP. Exploration of new places is easy on the narrow boards. You can travel through just about anything. And while you adventure down new places you will be closer to the environment than you would be any other way. Looking down and you can see the plethora of life moving in the water under your feet, you can feel the wind over your whole body out on the open ocean and the sharp prickle of overhead branches when going down winding, overgrown waterways. The SUP opens up entirely new worlds for you to see.The SUP is a revolutionary way of getting out doors, having fun and getting fit, all at once.
You can get a stand up paddle board from stores like MOTackle.
Have you experienced the fun of SUPing?