If you’re struggling to figure out which career path to choose, the following infographic might help. It makes a strong case for going into the cybersecurity field, a sector of the job market experiencing unprecedented demand.
The growth in cybersecurity jobs comes from two sources. The first is that companies need experienced professionals who can defend them against the digital threats that they face. Today’s businesses rely heavily on data and IT networks. Without them, they’re mostly dead in the water. The problem is that there aren’t enough people with the right skills available to build their defensive capabilities. There’s currently a massive shortage of professionals who can defend networks and data from the prying eyes of hackers.
The second issue is the growing value of data. Cybersecurity professionals today are less akin to IT managers and more like security guards. Their job is to protect the firm’s most valuable digital assets, which, of course, includes all the information it holds.
No company is safe from cybercrime. Equifax, MyFitnessPal, and MyHeritage all saw millions of dollars wiped off their value when hackers infiltrated their data banks and stole information. Thus, security professionals are now highly sought after. They’re the best line of defense that a company has.
Whenever you choose a new career, you want to select something that is currently in high demand. Cybersecurity, therefore, is ideal. Check out the following infographic. It shows why companies need cybersecurity experts, the skills you need, and the type of careers available to you if you get a relevant qualification.
Infographic by University of Alabama Birmingham