With responsibilities weighing in from all angles, it’s easy to find ourselves overwhelmed when it comes to work. Everyone is under pressure, and sometimes envisioning any light and relaxation “at the … [Read more...]
The Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Networking
“The first step on the road to success is building a network¹” - well that is what Sir Richard Branson said, and of course you would expect no less, coming from the founder of one of the biggest … [Read more...]
5 Good Reasons to keep studying and upskill in business
Director of Agent99 PR, Sharon Zeev Poole (pictured), reveals why as a successful business women she feels the need to keep studying. There is a reason why 60% of workers globally are actively … [Read more...]
The 7 Deadly Sins of Facebook Marketing
In the last few years, the power of social media in marketing a brand has become more apparent than ever. Brands are now developing invaluable relationships with their potential customers online in … [Read more...]