Sharon Zeev Poole
At Agent99 Public Relations, and within the PR industry in general, high levels of creativity and energy are part of the job. And in order to keep up with the fast paced nature of working with high profile clients, delivering bold campaigns and capturing media attention, which we do on a daily basis, it is important to take time out to reflect on what you’ve achieved.
No matter what industry or role you are in, it’s natural to get caught up in moving straight on to the next task as soon as something is complete. However, taking time to celebrate successes as a company is so important, and here’s why:
It keeps morale high – Long term, office-wide goals can easily cast a shadow over smaller successes. So recognize minor accomplishments for a daily boost. Working in a competitive industry is stressful, and celebrating the little victories keeps team morale high. When a tedious task has been completed, or there’s been a team win, sit back and soak it up for a moment. Working in a positive environment will inspire the whole team to accomplish tasks quickly and will leave everyone happier once they’ve completed them!
People need to be recognised – When you do something right what’s the first thing you look for? If you’re thinking praise, I would agree. People want and need recognition. We thrive on it. Sure, the ultimate reason we’re working hard on each job is because that’s what we are getting paid to do, but if our smaller achievements aren’t recognized, how much do we actually want to go on doing them? By recognizing and celebrating the little victories within the office, a job becomes more of a joy on the whole.
It keeps people positive – Lastly, celebration is the greatest way to get through tough times. When things don’t seem to be going right, it’s easy to lose ambition. However, it’s the little victories that can radiate positivity throughout the office and make the team strive even harder going forward, even when the going gets tough.
Having worked all over the world on high profile brands such as Warner Bros. Pictures and Starbucks Coffee for over 13 years, Sharon founded Agent99 Public Relations in January 2007. Today, Agent99 represents an enviable list of lifestyle, consumer and business-to-business clients across the food and wine, travel, health, beauty, online and non-for-profit spaces.