Six months after giving birth to her third child, Jenny Craig’s newest weight loss ambassador, Mel B (aka ‘Scary Spice’), has dropped 15kg in 20 weeks. Having shed the requisite number of kilos, the former Spice Girl is now contractually obligated to show off her new bod for the media, appearing on the cover of this week’s issue of Woman’s Day. And if I sound a little skeptical, it’s because I am.
Woman’s Day is promoting the story as a ‘World Exclusive’. But that won’t be the end of it and I suspect, we’ll be seeing Mel B on morning television and on an upcoming episode of Today Tonight or A Current Affair, real soon. Expect to see Mel B banging on about how hard it is to lose weight after giving birth in your thirties. Yes, those personal trainers can be murder on a celebrity’s ego.
In the media release issued this morning, Mel B said: “I carried a lot of weight when I was pregnant – I was eating for England!”
How could anyone have a problem with that? Personally, I always lay back and think of England whenever I’m eating a packet of crisps!
Are there no fat celebrities left in Australia? Perhaps this is Jenny’s way of telling us that her weight loss program is so successful, she’s single-handedly slimmed down every celebrity mum in Australia…just a thought.
Joining Mel B on the PR campaign will be Dr Andrew Rochford (hasn’t he sold out in a major way) as Jenny’s medical spokesperson. The TV doctor has been retained to highlight the health benefits associated with healthy weight loss post baby.
I think it’s pretty obvious I’m not a fan of celebrity endorsements and to be fair, Jenny Craig isn’t the only company that likes to parade celebrities in front of the media in an attempt to increase sales. Every week my inbox is flooded with dozens of celebrity endorsements and I’m getting a little sick and tired of it. Enough already!
I don’t know Mel B and maybe she is a real nice lady and a fantastic mum. But the one thing I know for sure is that her life is nothing like mine, or yours. I can’t relate my battle with weight gain to hers or to any of the other celebrities Jenny Craig has wheeled out in front of us over the years. I’m a realist, I’m never going to look like a celebrity and neither are my friends and relatives. So how can I trust that Jenny Craig would work for me based on a celebrity endorsement?
Tina ~ Tina Gray {dot} Me says
Great post! I’ve just embarked on my own weight loss mission and recently I was talking to my husband about how seeing celebrities on these weight loss programs don’t encourage me to rush out and start on them myself. Give me REAL mums who live REAL lives. They are the weight loss stories that inspire me.
Elan says
Not a fan of Jenny Craig. Watched her celebrity clients fail and fail again.
It will be interesting to some people how long Mel B lasts before she puts it back on too. What happened to Rebel Wilson? She was meant to be doing Jenny”s program.
It doesn’t really matter but Jenny Craig and Mel B are not Aussies.
Deborah Robinson says
I know Jenny Craig and Mel B are not Aussies, which is one of my criticisms of the latest Jenny Craig Australia campaign.
louise says
if jenny craig want to pay for me to go on it for 20 weeks ill do it – wonder how much slimwear she is wearing
Elan I was wondering how Rebel was going the other day after flicking through an old mag and seeing an ad for Jenny with her in it – I think she did one or two ads and then disappeared
Travelling Mum says
My brother followed the Jenny Craig program a while back & the one thing I noticed was that a lot of the snacks were processed foods like chips & chocolate bars. While they were small portions, they were foods that he had never before eaten as snacks on a regular basis, so the program actually introduced a new bad habit to him.
I understand that many people who start the program eat these foods regularly & sometimes even daily, so for them it is about breaking down this habit by reducing portion size, but for many this is not the case.
Wendy Darling says
I am far too private a weight loser and put back on kind of person to ever go to a Jenny Graig weight loss centre’s ,Advertising never does it for me.However throughout my life I have remained around 65 to 69 kilo’s going up to 70 and 80 kilos during pregnancy. I found breastfeeding for 2 years, for both my children helped bring the extra weight off and use a method of only eating 1 small meal of whatever I want a day plus only fruit and yogurt and water for the rest of the time when ever I want it .When i want to loose weight.Over the last 1 year ,I have lost 20 kilo’s after gaining 30 kilo’s due to a long illness with little exercise ability and at the moment weigh around 78 kilos and still losing it with a bit of light exercise as well as my tried and true weight loss program,Commonsense was all that I needed to find this works for me.I have always used an at home exercise program for fitness and light dumbells to stay a bit strong.I do hope Mel B manages to keep her weight off now,although I doubt she is breastfeeding her new baby, which was all important to me.I am now a middle aged women,still going strong.