Traditionally, when two people decided to get married, everything that you owned became the property of your spouse. The term what's yours is mine and vice versa is also quite appropriate to describe … [Read more...]
Tips for Saving for a House Deposit
When it comes to buying a home, it is fair to say that many women get very excited at the prospect of owning a house. However, the key to being able to make the dream into a reality is putting a … [Read more...]
Do you have cash reserves for a rainy day?
No matter how old you are, everyone needs a financial backup plan and this is why having funds specifically for emergencies is a great choice. Having an emergency fund is also an important aspect to … [Read more...]
Top Tips for Planning your Wedding Budget
Getting engaged can be a very exhilarating feeling indeed. However, often in the aftermath of the big announcement it dawns on you just how expensive weddings can become. Your first thought may be to … [Read more...]
The Importance of Saving for Retirement
It is a well-known fact that women tend to live longer than men, making it even more important for women to start saving for retirement as soon as possible. For many of us it is hard to think past … [Read more...]
How To Curb Spontaneous Spending
It is a well-known fact that going food shopping when you are hungry can lead to you buying extra food and not necessarily the right type of food. The same is true of shopping for personal items and … [Read more...]
Making Ends Meet After Divorce
When it comes to the financial fallout from divorce, it seems that splitting up and dividing assets go hand in hand. But having the right financial plan can help steer women through the financial … [Read more...]
Budgeting for Health and Wellbeing
Did you know a financial plan may also boost your health? Household budgeting can be challenging, but it could help to safeguard your family's health and wellbeing. Most mums are all too aware of how … [Read more...]
Starting the new financial year on the right foot
Are you ready to get your finances in shape this financial year? Our team of expert financial planners will give you the tools you need to start saving now. Despite the fact it rolls around every … [Read more...]
Australian women prepare for the end of the financial year
Financial planning and end of financial year. The financial year ends on June 30 - make sure your finances are in order to maximise tax and other entitlements. Last week we talked about the 2011 … [Read more...]
Few females have adequate super plans, says Westpac report
A report by Westpac has found that women are not planning financially for gaps in their career cycle. While saving for retirement is a concern for all Australians, knowing how and when to maximise … [Read more...]
Major Government reforms to advance gender equality
For women in the workforce, the atmosphere of equality is certainly different to that of the last generation. However the fight for a more balanced working environment for women across all industries … [Read more...]
The Sandwich Generation and its unique financial challenges
The importance of initiating a robust scheme of savings for retirement is a concern for many Australian women, however for those in the so-called Sandwich Generation the challenges can be much more … [Read more...]
Australian women’s retirement trends
With many Australian women enjoying a higher level of financial freedom later in life than the generations preceding them, the transition to retirement for many will be approached with a sense of … [Read more...]
Late bloomers can still retire in comfort
Women in their 40s and 50s may feel as if it is too late to start saving for retirement. It can be hard to start saving later in life, but this doesn't mean that it is impossible. There are simple … [Read more...]
Super, Sexy, Superannuation
Superannuation is an important issue for men and women right across Australia. But it's women who need to get on top of personal finances and superannuation. It may not have the sex appeal of a … [Read more...]
Gen Y flexes some serious financial muscle
A new study has found that Gen Y is largely 'financially fit', while other sectors of the community struggle to keep on top of money matters. When it comes to making smart financial decisions, it can … [Read more...]
Organisations with women in top roles do better, says Carolyn Kay
From the time she starts school or walks into her first job, the number one thing women are constantly learning is how to negotiate. And it is these skills - along with the addition of strong role … [Read more...]
Building financial knowledge and generating wealth
According to one expert, women would do well to build on their financial knowledge and look to play a greater role in their investment portfolio. When it comes to building wealth there is certainly … [Read more...]