If you are overweight, you definitely know that the best thing you can do to improve your general health is to lose weight. Being overweight can lead to serious health consequences like type-2 … [Read more...]
10 Foods to Eat More of if You’re Trying to Lose Weight, According to Nutritionists
When working on weight loss, you need to cut the amount of calories you consume so you create a situation where the body has less calorie supply than you need (calorie deficit), thus burning fat. … [Read more...]
How seeing a hypnotherapist can help with your weight loss goals
Hypnotherapy is quickly becoming a popular therapy for a variety of issues and experiences that you may have been through. Although it is commonly used for things like phobias, sleep disorders and … [Read more...]
What You Need to Know When Considering Bariatric Surgery
Are you struggling to lose weight? Whilst weight-loss surgery could provide the solution you need, there are many factors to consider. So to help you make the right choices for your health, here are … [Read more...]
Dieting Alone Doesn’t Work
You can’t refute the logic; if you want to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit. A quick online search can leave you with a long list of dieting options to achieve your goals. Crash … [Read more...]
Waistline Wisdom: What to Look For in a Weight Loss Program
Did you know that a trim waistline is not just about looking good? A measure of the circumference of this area is actually considered a good estimate of your overall body fat composites, especially … [Read more...]
Eating more protein could be the key to achieving healthy weight loss
Eating more protein, especially at breakfast, could be the key to achieving healthy weight loss, according to a new report released today by CSIRO. The report, Protein Balance: New concepts for … [Read more...]
Choose Diet over Exercise to Lose Weight
There’s no doubt our food and exercise are both imperative to our health and fitness. But do both of them stand at equal importance while we consider reducing our waistline? The answer is no. Though … [Read more...]
CSIRO research finds that over-thinking and stress stops most from losing weight
According to the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), when it comes to diets, most Australians tend to over-think, have too high expectations and are anxious about … [Read more...]
Scientists at CSIRO launch free online tool to help you lose weight based on your personality type
Behavioural scientists recognise that humans are complex creatures and we all have many different aspects of our personalities. That's why scientists at the CSIRO believe the secret to successful … [Read more...]
CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet rewards you with a full refund when you complete the program
The CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet is the only weight loss program in Australia that rewards you with a full refund of the money you've paid when you successfully complete their 12 week program. The … [Read more...]
Paleo, DASH and More: Today’s Popular Diet Plans and Programs
When you are trying to work out the best way to get fit and lose some weight through healthy eating, you will soon discover that there are a daunting range of diet options available, which can make it … [Read more...]
Dо Аnу Wеіght Lоss Тrеаtmеnts Wоrk?
Іf уоu аrе sееkіng tо lоsе wеіght, уоu hаvе lіkеlу sреnt tіmе lооkіng fоr wеіght lоss trеаtmеnts tо hеlр уоu suссееd. Тhе іnfоrmаtіоn аvаіlаblе аbоut thе dіffеrеnt wеіght lоss trеаtmеnts саn bе … [Read more...]
For Real Sustainable Weight Loss we have to Bring Back the Fat
Why eating fat could be the secret to sustainable weight loss. No fat, no flavour—we have been told it is a worthy sacrifice, but could our low-fat obsession actually be making us fat? The low-fat … [Read more...]
Fiona Falkiner from 'The Biggest Loser Families' signs up with new weight loss program
When The Biggest Loser Families host Fiona Falkiner spoke openly about accepting that she would never be thin, but that she was still fit and healthy, the sentiment resonated with people around the … [Read more...]
CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet launches New Dietitian Plus Service
The CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet online has launched Dietitian Plus, a new service which provides personalised support from Accredited Practising Dietitians (APD) to help dieters reach their weight loss … [Read more...]
How to Stay in Shape over Summer
How to Stay in Shape over Summer. It is pretty easy to fall into bad eating or lifestyle habits over winter as you can hide the self-consciousness associated with gaining a few kilos under an overcoat … [Read more...]
My Tips for Losing that Baby Weight
The joy of having a new baby can be slightly tempered by the media’s insistence that a new mother lose the baby weight as soon as possible. Celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Victoria Beckham are … [Read more...]
10 Tips from Atkins to make your New Year’s Weight Loss resolution a reality
Making New Year’s resolutions is easy. Almost too easy. Sticking to them is really tough – especially when they relate to the big stuff, like losing weight and improving your health, which is … [Read more...]
6 liver cleansing tips for a spring time slim down
Australians gain close to 15 million kilos each winter, so it’s no surprise now is the time of year that most of us frantically scramble to burn off our surplus kilos. According to expert … [Read more...]
Top 5 Worst Winter Weight Loss Tips of all time!
One in four Australian adults is obese and a recent study published by the NSW Food Authority and NSW Health found that almost half of us expect to gain additional kilos during the colder … [Read more...]
“The Weight Escape” – the best weight loss book you’ll read in 2014
Written by three Australian health experts, The Weight Escape: Stop fad dieting, start losing weight and reshape your life using cutting-edge psychology, is arguably the best weight loss book you'll … [Read more...]
Why TV’s The Biggest Loser can be hazardous to your health
Every year since it began, thousands of overweight and obese Aussies are inspired by TV's 'The Biggest Loser' to get up off the couch and get moving - and every year some of these people are injured … [Read more...]
The Three Diets to Avoid in 2014
The three worst diets as voted by Australia’s nutrition experts are: the Lemon Detox Diet, SkinnyMe tea, and the Ashy Bines Bikini Body Challenge. More than 200 Accredited Practising Dietitians took … [Read more...]
Three worst diets to avoid in 2013
The Lemon Detox Diet has been rated the worst diet by Australia’s peak nutrition body, the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA). The Acid and Alkaline Diet followed by the Six Weeks to OMG Diet … [Read more...]