Being healthy and living well is important at any age. But as we grow older, it can be trickier to respond to certain things in our life as we always have done. We experience more real stress in our … [Read more...]
Love Your Teeth and you can achieve the Perfect Smile
Looking after your teeth isn't just about achieving the perfect smile. Neglecting your oral health can have a real impact on your general health and well-being. In addition to the impact on physical … [Read more...]
Minimise your time in the kitchen these holidays and still eat well with these time-saving tips
We all have 24 hours in the day – no more, no less. With the holiday season approaching, life can get pretty busy, so how do you find the time to take care of your health? And how do you ensure you … [Read more...]
3D printed anti-snoring device could help millions of Australians but don’t expect Medicare to pay for it
Sleep apnoea is caused by excessive snoring, which can lead to high blood pressure, stroke, irregular heartbeats, heart attacks and diabetes. There's a new anti-snoring device available which can stop … [Read more...]
Priceline Pharmacy stocks Smile Makers vibrators to help normalise sexual health & happiness for women
Priceline Pharmacy now stocks the Smile Makers range of vibrators and lubricants for women. Smile Makers is the only brand that cannot be found in adult shops, but instead, is stocked in mainstream … [Read more...]
How To Stay Healthy While Travelling
Dr Samantha Clarke, clinical psychologist & personal trainer, shares her insights A passion of mine is travelling! I love to see many different cultures and landscapes, and it is often whilst … [Read more...]
No Pain, No Gain: Debunking the Biggest and Baddest Bodybuilding Myths of All Time
Even though eating and training right aren’t the only aspects involved in achieving your dream body, there are also a number of rumors and myths that can confuse bodybuilders. Yes, there are a number … [Read more...]
Spectator-Less Sports: The Soccer Mom’s Mini-Guide to Moving More
Soccer moms are awesome for the way they take large chunks of time out of their lives to help their children become more skilled, healthier and happier. Meanwhile, they tend to have very little time … [Read more...]
Respite Care Support: Why It’s a Win-Win for Seniors and Carers Today
Providing extensive care to an elderly is enormously rewarding. However, there are situations when it can prove to be physically draining too. That’s why it’s essential that caregivers should also … [Read more...]
CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet rewards you with a full refund when you complete the program
The CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet is the only weight loss program in Australia that rewards you with a full refund of the money you've paid when you successfully complete their 12 week program. The … [Read more...]
Top Tips For A Healthy You
Being healthy is not all about going to the gym or doing heavy workouts. We get it, you don’t want a muscular body, you just want to be healthy. And, gyms really are not the health stations, so you … [Read more...]
The MIND Diet: What to eat to improve your memory and concentration
When it comes to eating to improve your memory, it's all in the mind – that is, a diet called the MIND diet. The MIND diet is a way of eating that highlights and emphasises foods and nutrients that … [Read more...]
How your hormones affect sleep
Up, down or somewhere in between, the levels of your hormones can affect different parts of your health and happiness. We know that hormones govern the menstrual cycle and key points of reproductive … [Read more...]
Controllers, Consoles and Comfort: What You Can Do When Video Games Become a Pain in the Neck
You're young, in good health, and your one vice is the way you give up a few hours of your day, each day, to playing your favorite video game. While it's a harmless activity, things don't always go … [Read more...]
Paleo, DASH and More: Today’s Popular Diet Plans and Programs
When you are trying to work out the best way to get fit and lose some weight through healthy eating, you will soon discover that there are a daunting range of diet options available, which can make it … [Read more...]
The perils of wearing novelty contact lenses on Halloween
While it might be tempting to add impact or the wow factor to your Halloween costume with novelty or decorative contact lenses, there are many dangers to be aware of which could lead to a scarier end … [Read more...]
Women need to take better care of their heart after menopause
When you’re going through menopause, it’s not just your hormones that are changing – your heart health can change as well. You may be surprised to know that heart disease is the number-one cause of … [Read more...]
Fuelling Your Body’s Furnace: Eating to Support Your Metabolism
There is no one magic solution available to send your metabolism into overdrive, but there are definitely a number of good ways to fuel your body’s furnace. If you take how you fuel your body … [Read more...]
The Signs and Symptoms of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a hormonal disorder. It is also known by its abbreviated name PCOS and sometimes as polycystic ovarian syndrome. PCOS is quite common, affecting between 12-18% of women of … [Read more...]
Ouch, My Aching Feet: Pain-Relieving Tips for People Who Stand All Day Long
Standing on your feet all day can cause serious problems for many people. Whether you stand long hours for your job, or for recreational reasons, you need to make sure that you do everything you can … [Read more...]
3 Things You Get Back With Laser Eye Surgery
Laser eye surgery is one of those things that people think they’ll get to...later in life. For now, there are just so many more things to worry about. We’ve got bills to pay, thrills to enjoy, … [Read more...]
Women's Health: the taboo topic of vaginal dryness
No woman enjoys speaking about the symptoms of vaginal dryness. Yet this issue affects a large number of women – regardless of age. Although menopause is one of the primary causes of vaginal dryness, … [Read more...]
Don't Let Dietary Intolerances Stop You Enjoying Food
It's hard to come by exact figures for how many people suffer from dietary intolerances and allergies. One thing we do know is that a lot of people have them without knowing. We also know that the … [Read more...]
The Mind, Body and Spirit Benefits of a Low-carb Diet
Renowned among dieters for working weight-loss wonders, the benefits of low-carb diets go way beyond whittling your waistline to improving overall metabolic health and helping your body to perform at … [Read more...]
How Optimism Can Improve Your Health
If you think the way you think doesn’t count for much, then think again. Optimism is a way of seeing the world in a positive light. Optimistic people focus on the good parts of a situation and expect … [Read more...]
The Best Snacks for Brain Health
Did you know that of all the organs in your body, it’s your brain that uses the most energy? That’s why it’s important to feed your brain steady and nutritious fuel throughout the day. That way, you … [Read more...]
Schools and Clubs now have healthy alternative to selling sweets to raise money
Australasia’s largest and best known garden business Yates, has introduced a fresh and healthy new fundraising initiative for schools and clubs called ‘RAISE A PATCH’. Not only does the initiative … [Read more...]
Ticking the right box at the 2016 Census will make a big difference for young carers
Little Dreamers, Australia’s leading organisation for young carers, has launched a campaign around this month's Census to get a more accurate understanding of the true number of young carers in … [Read more...]
USQ Functional Foods Festival blending flavour and science for health benefits
Vegetable beer, purple carrots and Queen Garnet plum juice are just some of the fruits of the larder which will be on display and up for discussion at University of Southern Queensland’s (USQ) first … [Read more...]
Dо Аnу Wеіght Lоss Тrеаtmеnts Wоrk?
Іf уоu аrе sееkіng tо lоsе wеіght, уоu hаvе lіkеlу sреnt tіmе lооkіng fоr wеіght lоss trеаtmеnts tо hеlр уоu suссееd. Тhе іnfоrmаtіоn аvаіlаblе аbоut thе dіffеrеnt wеіght lоss trеаtmеnts саn bе … [Read more...]
What you wanted to know about erectile dysfunction but were too afraid to ask
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is surprisingly common, and not just among older men. ED can also be a symptom of a much more serious health issue and therefore, it is important to address the issue early … [Read more...]
Everything you want to know about painful sex
One in five women experience it and it’s a topic that women want to know more about, but for many of us it’s a private subject that’s too embarrassing to bring up in conversation or ask your doctor … [Read more...]
Relief from Period Pain: what are your options?
Period pain is such a common health complaint that it's often shrugged off as just part of being a female. Most women have their own go-to treatment when they feel that first sign or twinge of pain, … [Read more...]
Healthy Office Snacks to Beat the Afternoon Slump
This probably sounds like an all-too-familiar scene: It’s noon, and you’ve already tackled all the new emails in your inbox and completed a couple of projects. You feel great about crossing off items … [Read more...]
For Real Sustainable Weight Loss we have to Bring Back the Fat
Why eating fat could be the secret to sustainable weight loss. No fat, no flavour—we have been told it is a worthy sacrifice, but could our low-fat obsession actually be making us fat? The low-fat … [Read more...]
7 Extraordinary Benefits of Using Coconut Oil
I have not come across any other ingredient than coconut oil that works wonders for the skin, hair and health all at the same time. Adding a few tablespoons of this miraculous item to your daily diet … [Read more...]
Herbal Medicine and Natural Therapies are popular but are they safe?
Chances are you’ve taken a natural therapy in your lifetime. It could be a multivitamin from the supermarket, some vitamin C at the sign of an oncoming cold, a natural digestive aid from the health … [Read more...]
Why Herbal Tea Is Your Sweet Saviour When It Comes To Stress
Stress is the buzzword of the moment. Everyone is stressed about something, but really stress is simply your body's way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you feel pressured, your … [Read more...]
Tips To Help You Deal With A Niggling Back Problem
A back problem that causes you pain can be extremely uncomfortable. It can make your mood feel lower, and it can be hard to carry on with things. But some things can help. In the first instance, it is … [Read more...]
Not Getting Enough Sleep Will Make Pregnant Women Fat or Obese
Australian researchers have found that not getting a good night’s sleep, will have women of child-bearing age reaching for fattier foods to help them through the day and this could have an impact on … [Read more...]
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